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According to people familiar with the matter, Austrian sensor manufacturer ams (ams) has recently sold its digital systems division after completing its acquisition of OSRAM.

In July of this year, ams announced that the acquisition of Osram for 4.6 billion euros (approximately RMB 36.3 billion) had received unconditional regulatory approval from the European Commission, putting an end to this one-year acquisition. This is the largest acquisition in the history of ams, for which it has shouldered more than 4 billion euros in debt to seek to build a world-class optical and sensor leader.

Osram’s shareholders voted in November to reach a “dominance agreement” that gives ams complete control of the company and its cash flow, which will take effect in January next year.

Reuters reported that ams is planning to divest what it believes is Osram's non-core business to reduce debt.

Both ams and Osram are global suppliers of optical sensors, including certain optical sensors and laser diodes used in consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, medical and other markets. The merger will integrate the optical semiconductor solutions and technologies of the two companies and promote the continuous development of the industry.

Reuters believes that ams acquired Osram mainly because its opto-semiconductor division and part of its automotive business are not interested in the digital division. According to sources, in the digital department of Osram, the digital system department that provides electronic control devices will first start auctions early next year. Currently, it is already working with consulting companies to divest this business. The annual revenue of this business is approximately 400 million euros (4.85). One hundred million U.S. dollars). One of the sources said that the product will be mainly for Asian competitors. Ams is expected to later sell Osram’s IoT and other businesses (such as special lights for stage and studios) for industrial customers. In the automotive lighting business, xenon lamps and halogen lamps are also regarded as non-core businesses.