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According to Bloomberg News, Apple launched a series of new Mac processors as early as 2021, aiming to surpass Intel's fastest chips.

Currently, Apple has released Mac mini, MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro equipped with M1 chip. The company plans to complete the migration in 2022, so that all Macs will be equipped with self-developed chips.

People familiar with the matter said that Apple's chip engineers are building several follow-up products of the M1 custom chip. If their performance reaches expectations, they will greatly exceed the performance of the latest computers running Intel chips.

Insiders said that the company's next batch of chips is planned to be released as early as spring and autumn, and it is planned to be used in an upgraded version of MacBookPro, entry-level and high-end iMac desktops, and a new MacPro desktop that will follow. As of now, an Apple spokesperson declined to comment.