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Pegatron, a major foundry manufacturer, issued a serious news on the evening of the 20th. In response to media reports, Apple will suspend a single incident, reiterate that it will not comment on business relations with customers, and said that the Indian Narasapura plant riots are continuing to be investigated and the plant is new. The production plant has limited output, and the preliminary estimate has no significant impact on the company's finances and business.

Wistron stated that the company maintains a consistent policy of not commenting on business relationships with customers. Currently, the Indian factory is cooperating with relevant local government agencies to investigate and is also continuing to negotiate with insurance companies to cooperate with customers in improving and resuming work plans.

The Wistron India plant was suspected to be due to labor wage issues. Last week, it caused dissatisfaction among employees and a large-scale damage to the plant. Wistron said a few days ago that the main production equipment and warehouse of the plant did not report the alleged major damage, and preliminary estimated financial losses. The amount is about NT$100-200 million, and the plant is also undergoing a shutdown investigation.

It is understood that the factory mainly produces Apple’s old and low-end iPhones. Apple also issued a statement on the 19th, stating that preliminary inspections showed that the riots and damages at Wistron’s plant were due to violation of Apple’s "Supplier Code of Conduct" and therefore will be suspended. The new order was given to Wistron until the Indian factory where the riot broke out took the correct action.