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The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Organization (WSTS) recently predicted that the output value of the semiconductor industry in 2020 will increase by 5.1% to reach 433 billion US dollars, which is a significant increase from the 12% year-on-year decline in 2019 to 412 billion US dollars. Among them, sales revenue in the memory field will achieve the greatest increase.

In June of this year, WSTS predicted that total global semiconductor sales will increase by 3.3% in 2020 and 6.2% in 2021. Since the middle of the year, the market prospects of the semiconductor industry have improved.

WSTS predicts that, except for a small part of optoelectronics and discrete semiconductor components, all types of semiconductors will achieve growth this year. And memory chips will become the main force driving the growth of the semiconductor industry.

WSTS predicts that the sales of memory chips this year are expected to increase by 12.2% to 119 billion US dollars, surpassing all other fields, and the next largest increase is sensors with a growth rate of 7.4%, followed by logic chips with a growth rate of 6.5%.

Looking forward to 2021, WSTS predicts that semiconductor sales will increase by 8.4% to reach US$469 billion. Similarly, memory chips will become the fastest-growing category next year, with sales expected to increase by 13.3%.