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UMC announced yesterday (16) that the board of directors approved the implementation of the 28.656 billion Taiwan dollars (approximately US$1.019 billion) capital budget, which will be used to expand the 12-inch production capacity of the Nanke plant and will be invested in accordance with the capital expenditure budget plans. The funds will come from operations. funds.

UMC pointed out that this capital budget implementation plan will be implemented next year and will be mainly used to expand the 12-inch production capacity of the Nanke plant, of which the 28-nanometer process will account for the bulk to meet strong customer demand.

UMC estimates that next year’s capital expenditure will be higher than this year’s 1 billion U.S. dollars (more than NT$2.8 billion). As for the exact amount, it is still pending the company’s corporate briefing. UMC has benefited from the explosion of the housing economy this year, and the 5G penetration rate has increased, pushing up the demand for 8-inch foundry production capacity, and the 12-inch foundry production capacity is almost full.