A violent incident occurred during the night shift at Wistron’s Narasapura, India’s manufacturing plant that was just put into operation last Friday (December 11). The reason is said to be that Apple’s assembly partner Wistron did not pay workers the promised wages.
The Times of India reported today that the Wistron report pointed out that during the riots, thousands of iPhones were stolen and the assembly line and factory equipment were also damaged. The initial estimated loss was about 4.37 billion Indian rupees (approximately). 389 million yuan).
In this regard, Wistron said that it is still under review and cannot respond temporarily.
It is reported that Wistron recently responded that the company’s factory in Bangalore, India, was invaded and damaged by outsiders. The Indian local police have entered the factory, initiated protective measures, and conducted criminal investigations. Currently, the factory has only office facilities and a lobby. The main production lines, equipment, warehouses and products were not affected and the impact of the incident was limited.
In addition, the police have been involved in the investigation, and about 100 people involved in the riot have been arrested one after another.