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According to the Taiwanese media Economic Daily, in response to Hon Hai’s bid for the Malaysian wafer fab, Hon Hai’s chairman Liu Yangwei said today (12) that according to internal news, Hon Hai has a great opportunity.

Earlier, the market reported that Hon Hai Group was participating in a bid for the equity of Sijia wafer, an 8-inch wafer foundry in Malaysia. Liu Yangwei once pointed out that it is expected that a decision will be made by the end of this year. The group does have a bid and continues to pay attention to it, but the amount of the bid cannot be disclosed.

Liu Yangwei said today that Hon Hai has a great opportunity to bid for the Malaysian fab. However, the Malaysian government is very concerned and has high hopes, and the local people and industry are also very concerned. In addition, the Malaysian government has to do a lot of work. Hon Hai has the opportunity, but it may take a little longer.

Liu Yangwei also said that the Malaysian wafer fab is an 8-inch wafer fab. Recently, the 8-inch wafer fab is hot, and Hon Hai has already seen it. The ICs in this world are not only high-end ICs made by TSMC. In fact, there are many small ICs. Although they are inconspicuous, they can’t be moved without them. Therefore, Hon Hai was deployed very early. Among them, the Malaysian wafer fab and IC design factory are both North Korea Group’s "3+3" strategic layout.